Unusual Southwest Prehistoric Artifacts Pottery Clay

Sharing with you some of the more unusual prehistoric artifacts from our research in the Southwest including; gaming pieces, clay plugs, tabletta, footprint in clay, puki, etc.

6 thoughts on “Unusual Southwest Prehistoric Artifacts Pottery Clay”

  1. Ronnie Griffin

    Wow, I can’t believe that was signed by Fewkes

  2. Ronnie Griffin

    I can’t believe you didn’t use the plate with all the Butterflys or war symbols when you were doing that video !!

  3. Ronnie Griffin

    On the tableta could that be a kachina, there were slabs from point of pines about that size with square head kachinas, and the slabs with notches, I have heard those called hatch covers before, the notch to lift with your finger ??????

  4. Eddie Lile

    Some interesting artifacts for sure. I have been hunting southern Indiana for many years now!!

  5. William Sherman

    I think your slab with a offset notch is part of a time piece similar to a sundial

  6. Michael Higgins

    On the rooftop sandstone , notched slabs, have any Hopi, Zuni, or Rio Grande Pueblo Indians been consulted as to their function?


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