NMPBS ¡COLORES!: San Ildefonso potters Maria and Julian Martinez

San Ildefonso potters Maria and Julian Martinez helped to establish Indian pottery as an art form outside of the Pueblo world.

“She always made it a point to tell me almost every day, ‘Don’t forget what you see, don’t forget what you hear, remember. One of these days what I did, what you are doing, what we are doing, will be important.’”

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15 thoughts on “NMPBS ¡COLORES!: San Ildefonso potters Maria and Julian Martinez”

  1. John De Lamontaigne

    Marias pottery is outstanding! I own one of her pots and I treasure it. Many thanks to Maria and her family for their beautiful creations!

    1. Killerwhale 445

      Why you talking about pots isn’t this a flight video

    1. Killerwhale 445

      Yeah they probably getting lessons from my videos but that’s ok

  2. Priya Pendyal

    i think it is interesting that she creates pots with the mindset of the spirituality that will live with it forever, rather than JUST doing it as a hobby or job

    1. Native Creation

      Similar to how the Japanese create theirs as well (both cultures share a connection with Ainu ancestors)

  3. Ensenador Jones

    I show my middle school pottery class a video of Maria making pottery. She is so gifted and wise. I’ve been showing this for 17 years. I love pottery.

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