Mary Barringer and Danielle Burke – 2022 JRACraft Distinguished Artist Series

The James Renwick Alliance, in partnership with the Center for Craft, hosts fiber artist Danielle Burke and potter Mary Barringer for the 2022 Distinguished Artist Series.

Learn more about the Distinguished Artist Series :

Mary Barringer received a BA in art from Bennington College, apprenticed with Michael Frimkess, and has been a studio artist since 1973, making both sculpture and functional pottery. Barringer's works incorporate her belief that the surface technique needs to be integral to a pot’s construction and not only its appearance. She uses multiple layers of glaze and slip that are scratched, stained and sanded resulting in the integration of the surface decoration with the clay beneath. Her work has been exhibited internationally, and she has taught widely at universities, art schools, and craft centers and including Ohio University, Hartford Art School, and Anderson Ranch.

​Danielle Burke’s current work focuses on weaving histories, processes, and ephemera. Through her studio practice and archival research she hopes to better understand the boundaries of authenticity, the role of craft within a traditional practice, the influence of landscapes on material culture, and the ways that textiles can be read as texts.

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