3 thoughts on “Justin Novak – Part 1”

  1. non yes

    I like his 196-9 series rather than his new work here, looks like an ‘IKEA’ lamp, I think we would like to see more intereting work from this geat Artist.

  2. JonBurnsArt

    0:11 seconds she says he taught at UofO in Portland, Oregon. The UofO is in Eugene, Oregon. Uh, oh! Justin’s work has inspired me for a long time. I love his surfaces and morbid narratives. I am also turned off by his new fascination for vinyl toys and wall paper. Especially his new narratives within mainstream culture. Oh, well. He’s still fascinating.

  3. JonBurnsArt

    No, what I’m saying is vinyl toys and wallpaper don’t do it for me. You sure took off with that comment.

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