Indian Pottery (1940s)

Footage of renowned American Indian potter Maria Martinez creating blackware Pueblo pottery with her husband Julian Martinez. To license footage from this film for commercial use visit:

"Footage of renowned Native American potter Maria Martinez creating blackware Pueblo pottery with
her husband Julian Martinez.

San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico
VS Caucasian woman & man (tourists) exiting Native American store.
Sign for “San Ildefonso Native American Pueblo.”

San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico
VS Native American middle-aged couple (Maria and Julian Martinez)
seated outside making pottery.
CU Native American woman shaping & molding clay flat.
HA CU pressing clay into bowl mold.
VS Native American woman shaping & molding clay into long piece
& pressing around rim of bowl.
Headshot Native American woman smiling as she works.
CU hands smoothing out clay along rim of bowl.
CU smoothing out inside of bowl.
CU traditional Native American necklaces worn around woman’s neck.
(pottery making, ceramics, handicrafts)

San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico
VS Native American middle-aged couple (Maria and Julian Martinez)
seated outside making pottery.
CU hands scraping side of clay pot to make it smooth.
VS Native American man painting designs on vase.
Headshot Native American man concentrating on his work.
Native American couple displaying pieces to each other.
(pottery making, ceramics, handicrafts)

San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico
VS Native American middle-aged couple (Maria and Julian Martinez)
removing finished pottery from kiln buried in ground & wiping dirt off.
VS finished blackware pottery on ground.
Native American man wiping off pottery & handing to woman, who arranges on ground.
Native American couple holding up finished pottery pieces & smiling.
(pottery making, ceramics, handicrafts)


10 thoughts on “Indian Pottery (1940s)”

  1. Navin Rajkumar


  2. Daisy Q

    My Texas Aunt collected oil well checks. Lots of ’em.
    She spent all of it on Maria M’s black pottery.
    It was Beautiful.💜

  3. stau ffap

    The title is very confusing. I was looking for indian pottery (from India) and this came up. The term “native american” would get rid of this confusion.

  4. Shellee Graham

    Great segment of the famous pottery makers Julian and Marian Martinez of San Ildefonso Pueblo in New Mexico. It was so nice to see them working together from the decade of the 1940s when they were a young couple creating iconic artwork.

  5. Shellee Graham

    Great segment of the famous pottery makers Julian and Maria Martinez of San Ildefonso Pueblo in New Mexico. It was so nice to see them working together from the decade of the 1940s when they were a young couple creating iconic artwork.

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