How creative are you? It’s up to you. Jun Kaneko 1942 to 2017

"How creative are you? It's up to you," says monumental artist Jun Kaneko. In the ancient Asian way of teaching, he inspires us by doing, not by instruction. You learn by example. Follow Jun Kaneko around the world in "Kaneko's Monumental Risk" as he explores the creative frontiers of ceramics, glass, bronze, and stage design in locations like San Francisco, Kyoto, Puerto Vallarta, Shanghai and New York. Regardless of where you see his work – city parks, plazas, airports, gardens – his style and massive scale are unmistakably KANEKO. Now, he is taking his greatest risk – the creation of three hours of projected animation on seven screens for the San Francisco Opera's all new, six million dollar production of Mozart's "Magic Flute." Will his wildly abstract fusion of traditional Japanese art and American modernism merge work in an 18th Century German Opera? The over 3,000 patrons at the opera's premier will decide. Has he finally gone too far? Or has he taken Mozart's music into a magical new realm? Either way, Kaneko will inspire you to reflect on the nature of your own creativity.

14 thoughts on “How creative are you? It’s up to you. Jun Kaneko 1942 to 2017”


    Jim I suggest you check out this video with Paul as soon as possible.

  2. Diana DeBurr

    Stunning Documentary! Stunning artist! Wise words! I will remember this for a long time.

  3. Nuk Nuk

    When you wearing Calvin and eating pizza your mind is set ( modern Japanese forget?! once they were setting top of the modern idea and technology)

  4. Jan 2046

    The size definitely gives art a powerful moment, yet the size does not turn a thing into an art.

  5. Rita König

    Inspiring at every moment of the video. Not sure if “the bigger, the better” could be applied here, but these forms are exciting in surface design, color and shape. One thing I found about Japanese artists in general is their humble stance towards nature. However, Jun has proven that they can even go beyond that by leaving nature completely out, except for human nature to play. And play big. 😊

  6. Lisa OLoughlin

    A must see for any artist and creative educator!!!!!!!! Thank you Jun and Rea for all your beautiful work and inspiration, this film makes me very very happy!!!!!

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