Chinese Porcelain Master (full program)

“I studied ceramics. I love ceramics. My work is ceramics and ceramics are my life.”
–Huang Yunpeng.

American ceramics artist, Judy Fleming, travels to the “World Capital of Ceramics” – Jingdezhen, China, to learn from the porcelain master Huang Yunpeng.

Master Huang Yunpeng was appointed by China to be the heir of Chinese porcelain art. He focuses on reproductions of porcelain in ancient and traditional Chinese styles. He recreates valuable ancient porcelain pieces from old dynasties.

Initially a painter and sculptor, he is now regarded as one of the top porcelain artists in China, and he is also a driving force behind the revival of the ceramic art industry in Jingdezhen, China.

On this trip, Judy learns about the history of ceramic art in China by visiting historic sites and ancient kilns. She also travels to mountainsides to learn methods used to harvest and process ceramic clay in the region.

While local culture, food, and beautiful scenery have made long lasting impressions on Judy, the best part of the trip is seeing a true master at work.

20 thoughts on “Chinese Porcelain Master (full program)”

  1. J. Ferrero

    absolutely great video!…great storyboard and editing… congrats

  2. Jesus Christ Is Lord

    How’s this NOT getting more (much MORE) views?? The production value is STUNNING! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Te Ao Marama Ngarimu

    Wonderful Master Huang Yunpeng, a “Treasure to his Nation”

  4. Ana Phylaxis

    Wow, what a great trip! …and so much beautiful art!

  5. nerissy03

    Fantastic video, you’ve covered many of the important aspects of porcelain making in China.

  6. Lori Allen

    Your video has been enlightening. Thank you for sharing it. The art and, the way it was shown, was done nicely.

  7. Salo Kin

    beautifully done, thank you! I was struck by your respectfulness and love for what you were filming.

  8. Arijana Lukic

    What a superb video! Thank you so much for sharing this. I am in deep love with ceramics and this was just beautiful! <3

  9. Rose Mary

    Your documentary is very interesting and it provides me a great insight into how kaolin is harvested and produced with artistic flair and high quality.It helps me appreciate and understand my porcelain collections better.Tempted to go there probably in May when I visit see with my own eyes.Seen one of the famous celadon museum in Hangzhou two years back.Always fascinated and intrigued by the ancient history and culture of my motherland, China.

  10. Sweet Dreams

    Apart from the amazing subject, the quality of your presentation and edditing is outstanding! Such a pleasure to watch!
    You should be making documentaries as your profession.

  11. Franz Sela

    I am in so much awe not only of Master Huang Yunpeng but of his hundreds of artists who put so much of their creative energies in reproducing the ancient masterpieces as well as in injecting modern design techniques to the age old art. Despite the fact that many are machine-moulded or transfer-printed, they are still touched by the adept hands of the skilled artisans. This video made me appreciate every piece of Chinese ceramics that I had gratefully acquired from the Chinese Ceramic Traders who brought them to our country. Thank you Jingdezhen for sharing your exquisite art to the world!

  12. Giba Dias

    Fascinating narrative… the passion and sensibility of the ceramic master, amazing!

  13. Kamran Basheer

    Today I made my first ceramic piece
    I wish I could learn from such a great master
    Thank you for this video

  14. ZengHuaXiansheng

    I could see that Master Huang puts all his heart into porcelain making immediately! A very fascinating documentary which made me very happy because I like doing Chinese painting and calligraphy as well as seal carving! Seeing the smile and joy on Master Huang’s face made me feel like meeting an old friend!

  15. Clarence Teng

    I collect some Chinese porcelain pieces. So nice to see how they were and are made. Your video is very informative.

  16. Wonderful video! Informative, educational and inspirational. Thank you

  17. conscience commenter

    Judy, thank you for sharing that masterful trip with so much knowledge and talent . Truly inspirational !

  18. Kim Workman

    Very nicely done. Thank you for giving us the option to see this great master, his workers and the art they do. The town looks lovely and makes me want to see it

  19. Irma NV.

    What an amazing story. You are so lucky to visit this wonderful place & own a hand made plate from this super talented master. Thank you for sharing the video.

  20. Alii scott

    What a wonderful journey for this nz potter. Thank you for making this video! How I hope to visit Jingdezen!

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