僕の仕事。 土鍋をつくる Make a clay pot


橋本忍 Shinobu Hashimoto

カメラ/音声録音:iPhone 11Pro

カメラ:Canon EOS Kiss X8i

レンズ:Canon 単焦点レンズ EF50mm F1.8 STM

マイク:SONY コンデンサーマイク ECM-PC60

ワイヤレスマイク :

31 thoughts on “僕の仕事。 土鍋をつくる Make a clay pot”

  1. Yokaido Kena

    This was so relaxing to watch, I did it three more times 😁

  2. watrgrl2

    Love your hair! And the pot was lovely! I’ve tried working clay on a wheel but i found it to be extremely frustrating and I just didn’t have the patience to keep trying. I found i prefer sculpting clay more.

  3. tardis mole

    If I hadn’t just watched this man make the pot, I’d have said the final product was carved from stone. Respect.

    1. magnitogorski

      Yep. I wonder what kind of clay is that turned from black to white, and the red layer that i guess increase hardness to the piece.

    2. Arabstan عربستان

      @magnitogorski Yes, me too Looking forward to an answer to your questions and I wonder what dye color or any other finishing materials are (concerning their safety for health)> Regardless of these questions, I would like to appreciate this artist for his amazing skills, and hope that anyone who knows to answer these questions please

    3. jlongmas bartholomew

      I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians.
      And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge”. 1 Nephi 1-3

      Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn’t the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. “He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile” 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us” Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image.

      I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people?

      I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. “And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost”. Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true.

      Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully.

      My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change.

      If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up.

      You are my friends. The Lord loves you and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent.

      Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him” James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He desires to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side.

      It simply would not be the same without you. That’s just how much the Lord need you on His side.

      Thank you for your time.

  4. Candice, Ee Ching Ng

    Hi Hashimoto-san, thank you for sharing your work, it’s really amazing. May I ask what kind of glaze you used for these claypots? Might you have a recipe to share? Thank you so much.

  5. Mickaël Lipari-Mayer

    Up until today, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful video of pottery ever made. Very inspiring, like watching a long meditation. Every gesture is perfect, the attention to details is mind blowing. Incredible pottery mastery. I am lost for words.

  6. Clifford Dalton

    A very interesting work of art. I love your attention to “detail” and I’ve never seen handles [attachments] done this way, it is impressive.
    You are a “true artist” and I admire your work tremendously.

    It was nice to see the whole process from `beginning to ending` and to see the final creation.

    Thank you for sharing this with us Hashimoto and I look forward to seeing more videos from you.

    Cliff from London UK.

  7. 8675309

    The bevel in the handles is so nice. Clearly you were thinking about how this pot will be handled, making it pleasing to the touch. Lovely work. I also like your technique of sponging off the glaze instead of using wax, leaving your signature to stand out better on the underside of the pot. I learned so much from this.

    1. That’s what sets it apart from and amateur use product

  8. Beautiful. It would be an honor to own one of these pots!

  9. Divine O

    My favorite part about you making this piece is hearing you tap and listen to the pot. Literally tuning volume (space) the pot! So cool!

  10. These are absolutely beautiful. And I love the dark color of the clay.

  11. Dora Sanchez

    Aparte de lo excelente alfarero que es el de la demostración, también es increíble que en un país tan industrializado aún se haga cerámica a mano 😍👍🏽✨

  12. Therese Dignard

    Having worked the wheel in an art class in University, I can totally appreciate the mastery of your pots. These are magnificent. What great reference tools. Now, I can’t wait to get back to try this lip/edge technique. 🙂 Thank you for sharing.

  13. Dreez76

    I did claymaking once, fell in love it with, did some really beautiful vases. Claymaking is like therapy and meditation.
    Sadly it was just a weekend course.. but i still miss it.

  14. Farida A.R.

    Amazing care and techniques by an skilled worker to make such a master piece of ceramic pottery. Thanks for sharing.

  15. watrgrl2

    Just had to watch your work again. It’s such a fantastic skill you have and takes such a steady hand. So many things can go wrong at any stage of the process that could cause a flaw to appear in the end piece so I know you are a master artist when I see the absolute perfection in your created works. My father was an artist and created many glazed pots when he was at university that I still have. He enjoyed wood carving more so never continued but he was pretty good at it. Luckily I did inherit all of his art supplies and carving tools including those for use with clay.

  16. Nike Stray Belladonna

    Así que esto es lo que significa la dedicación, la perseverancia y la paciencia…. Es muy hermoso, no sabia que se podía crear algo tan bello a mano.
    Gracias por compartir este video.

  17. Nail Babez

    those are literally just beautifully made, with such persion and love. this to me it’s the real ASMR ❤️.

  18. Arlo Rariden

    This year I used a pottery wheel for the first time. I would’ve been impressed before. but now that I know how much effort and work it actually is this is insanely impressive. I applaud the amount of time and effort you’ve put into your craft to become this skilled. It’s crazy to me how effortless skilled potters can make using a wheel look cause it is definitely one of the more difficult sides of clay. I could sculpt a face any day but give me this challenge and it would take me years😂 anyways, amazing work, I hope you continue and grow even more than you have already!

  19. This is such amazing ASMR. Instant tingles and it’s so soothing to fall asleep to. The artistry is incredible.

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