23 thoughts on “[With Eng Sub] 《中国陶瓷》纪录片 BBC Documentary China Porcelain”

  1. 意琦行

    这部片子好久拍的, 看背景,应该很久了吧?

  2. Jackie Duan

    Nice share, I am a little proud of that , I am local citizens in the Jingdezhen , But I learned so many Knowledge things from youtube, we export many things years ago, But Porcelain is the first things , Ans get fever in Euro , Centries ago , Amazing , You let me know the history of Porcelain trading, Thank you

    1. I like pie

      Jackie Duan how did you access YouTube from China? VPN? Yeah you can almost learn anything on YouTube… which is why the China communist party blocks it

  3. 黃浩庭


  4. 郭樹鈁

    47:51 When I eating my take Way’s KFC……. High-art concept come from which you ate and drunk……. My concept is disposable plastic😅🤣

    1. Morgan Olfursson

      Which destroys the planet. So you might want to not brag about eating something which is one of the epitome of animal cruelty, out of wares which are destroying the oceans and causing the disappearance of hundreds of species every year.

  5. 郭樹鈁

    50:36 we sold the nice goods that you all like and you guys brought China, even the world, opium….😥😓 My mom’s grandpa died from that, the feelings and memory affected my mom’s family and the spirit…… Haiz, that’s not a tragedy, just a impact of greedy.

  6. Herb Shi

    48:05 看到了原来的太古仓 现在已经被活化成酒吧商业区了 谢谢

  7. earlofgotham

    Canton 是廣州的傳統英文名稱,像Hong Kong一樣,不能說是錯

  8. Isabella Beaudoin

    the amount of times he touches a specific item of porcelain is disturbing. if these items are that valuable get your hands off of them

  9. Pharyn Himiona

    Unfair trade… I’m sure there would’ve been slave sales going on right near by these porcelain auctions as well… still happening today I’m sure….

  10. Jase Ma

    翻譯可以再做好一點。傳統來說,Canton就是廣東/ 廣州的譯名,音譯何來對錯之分。何況發音還會因時代的轉變而有所不同,不能因為現在普遍使用拼音就說其他標音是錯的吧。

  11. Rose Liang Art Consultant

    The seller asked for $480 and he ask her for $500. Great bargain dude lol.

  12. Fecchi the illustrator

    The documentary was very exicting and helpfull! thank you so much!

  13. Hong Qiu


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