The Art of Chinese Pottery

Chinese porcelain is an ancestral art that requires dedication. Next time you buy Chinese porcelain, you will enjoy even more the beauty it hides, just like this guy experienced the art of making it.

26 thoughts on “The Art of Chinese Pottery”

  1. Trish Chanyeol Park

    I love how humble the foreigner’s attitude is. Its rare. Usually when foreigner’s come to our Asian countries to learn our heritage they act so superior it’s one of the major reasons our masters don’t want to teach them.

    1. Ace Derrick

      i guess Im asking randomly but does someone know a way to log back into an instagram account..?
      I was dumb lost the account password. I appreciate any assistance you can offer me!

  2. Antiques Uncovered

    Jingdezhen is like heaven on earth for ceramics enthusiasts

  3. Yewon Shim

    Really nice video and so happy to see it! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  4. mus lihat

    dude your video is amazing, i hope you get more views, so you can keep making amazing content, and the village on the video seems so beautifull with the tree river and everything

    1. I'm in China

      Thank you so much for your support! We’re glad that you liked our content!

  5. Stuart Mattingly

    As a ceramic artist here in the States,. I am so humbled and appreciative of your efforts to make this video. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful look at such a beautiful culture!

  6. Adam Alexander Pritchett

    That was flipping amazing! Well done on such a cool documentary! It was beautiful to see all the steps! Well done!

  7. Really?!

    Years ago I worked and studied in a small ceramics factory outside of Shanghai. Luckily the owner could speak fluent Japanese. So often English is used as the lingua fraca. It was interesting that both of us used a second language, Japanese, in order to communicate.

    1. I'm in China

      We appreciate your love for Chinese ceramics! It’s great to see the world is being connected with mutual languages and different arts and cultures.

  8. Bob Bardos

    I had the opportunity to visit Jingdezhen in 2019 with my daughter. No tour or contacts but free wheeling each day. Walked the streets day and night viewing the magic of production in the deepest corners of the city. Visited Samboa, Jackson Li studio and was treated like royalty. Thank you for reminding me of the art, the skills needed and hospitality received.

  9. Leticia Crego

    Amazing video, it makes me love and respect ceramic work even more. Thank you!!

  10. Wow your accent is great!! I’m so glad there are people exploring and learning about China!

  11. Lady TT

    I adore thin porcelan, so subtle, with a taste for remarkable shapes and original art

  12. Judy W

    This was a really cool video to see how porcelain is being made in the modern day, but I’m also in awe of how good your Chinese is! I’ve never seen a foreigner with Chinese that good before, so that was super cool.

  13. Steven H.

    Trust me what these guys are doing are not easy at all.

    I’ve been doing ceramics as an artistic practice and also income for almost 7 years now and I still consider myself a beginner.

    It truly takes a lifetime, if not more, to master the ways of ceramic making.

  14. Nathan Haskell

    Wonderfully high quality video with great interviews and awesome content! Thank you! Its such a surprise this doesn’t have more views!

  15. Júnior Silva

    Esse vídeo é fantástico gostaria de conhecer esse lugar maravilhoso 👏👏

  16. SaffronCity

    I love Chinese art!! I wish artisan goods are more widespread and available than cheap mass produced things.

  17. Ozzieineire

    I really enjoyed that, thanks for showing these amazing people to us, your whole presentation was first class. Well done.

  18. Rick Knight

    Thanks for sharing your journey
    I love pottery and all aspects of the craft

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