Symbols found on the prehistoric Southwest Anasazi Pottery of the U.S. from A.D. 1300-1400

Symbols found on the Prehistoric Southwest Pottery from A.D. 1300-1400 including the White Mountain Redwares and Salado Polychromes. Examining the symbols found on the prehistoric pottery of the Southwestern United States with ceramic representations of clouds, thunderbirds, clan symbols, marriage, war, the Milky Way etc.

Presented by James Cunkle: archaeologist and author of "Talking Pots", "Treasures of Time", "Mimbres Mythology", "Stone Magic" and more.

music by James Cunkle and Carlos Niki.

34 thoughts on “Symbols found on the prehistoric Southwest Anasazi Pottery of the U.S. from A.D. 1300-1400”

    1. James Cunkle

      Thank you! Cheers! I will be putting up a video soon with several examples from the collections of the spirit break

  1. De:mu:shi Path's

    Full blooded Zuni Puebloan here and where did u get your answers ? Just thought I would ask

    1. Carol Cunkle

      Some of these symbols are widely recognized. They are found in the mythologies and in context with other symbols. House and water symbols, and the four directions are good examples. Many of these symbols are found worldwide, as human cultures all share common attributes.

    1. Carol Cunkle

      almost a written language, another 100 yrs. and they may have made it

    1. Carol Cunkle

      i do fall in love with the artifacts, even just a small sherd with enough image to reveal a hint of prehistory.


    I wish we would stop calling it prehistoric and start calling it pre-european. They had histories of their own. We just disregard them. And pre-historic reinforced the idea that no one had civilization before european invasions.

    1. Andy Ward's Ancient Pottery

      History is written, oral histories are all good but we don’t need to change the definition of “history” to recognize that.

  3. CarlosMacMartin

    Thanks for sharing. Came here to get some ideas for arm tattoos.

    1. atomictraveller

      arm tattoos need ideas.
      i’m gonna go round up cattle on motorcycles. but you know it’s a lie because they don’t have thumbs to ring the bell.

    2. atomictraveller

      @CarlosMacMartin what you up to today? scribbling on yourself?

  4. Ronnie Griffin

    Not trying to be argumentative but I would classify the sherd with the 4 directions on the outside with the tularosa/pinedale interior as Pindale Polychrome, you also call the pot with the war symbols as Cedar Creek, generally Cedar Creek has a 4 mile exterior and a Pindale interior, the war symbol more than likely have repeated itself 4 times and has a Pindale interior again I would call that Pindale, again not trying to be disrespectful at all, just commenting on my experience, I use to run into you at auctions and have talked to you in regard to your book. Treasures in time, I also met a cat at Raven site named Slate, thank you for the information, I respect your work.

    1. Carol Cunkle

      Ronnie, thanks for the imput, i can go with pinedale poly, that vessel is so thin and very hard, very well made. , sherd with four directions i did classify as early pinedale. good to hear from you

  5. Ronnie Griffin

    Are you still in Arizona Sir? Once again I have been to Raven Site, I remember a beautiful Tonto Olla in your little museum, it’s the paint I remember, the red paint, I also remember your T Bird pot and how much it looked like the pot Colton had, maybe same pot, and I’m remembering wrong, but the significance was the symbolism that could be confirmed so to speak. Is Raven site still there ? I remember some controversy…I always felt your intention were great, and I respected what you were trying to do but I knew you would have a hard time of it because I know how they can be, I was lucky, I became friends with Roy L Carlson, IF you recall his book on WMRW, anyway he worked with me a long time and was a great guy, very affable. Anyway I hope you well Sir

  6. Tom Mallard

    My focus was reconns, finding sites north of Phoenix in Tonto Nat’l Forest, this video reminded me of temper, the broken grind added as fill to the clays affect firing & strength.

    It’s hard to find a good eye, I passed through a 15-room site first time didn’t “see” them, it’s wild out there today.
    Thx, 🍺

  7. claraallen12

    T birds and rain swastikas’ are rotating counterclockwise, like a low pressure system?

  8. Benjamin Justus

    Symbols – Man’s first language. Very Cool!

  9. Ronnie Griffin

    Is there any way you could send me pictures of the point of pines pot and the tbird over the village, the very first pot, I collect pottery pictures, if you have reservations I understand, I can send my email

  10. Andy Ward's Ancient Pottery

    Hey Jim, I could re-fire that dark PofP bowl and clean it up real good. Let me know if you ever want to try it. 😉

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