18 thoughts on “pottery of mexico”

  1. Lion Rose

    Que maravilloso ver esto! 
    Estoy aprendiendo a trabajar con barro en el colegio y es mi 
    primera vez asi que me inspiro su trabajo 🙂      Muchos saludos!

  2. T Freedman

    maginificent i liked the way they put together the two halves of the sculpture and made a maginificent piece of wonder. I will be looking forward to try this for myself in the future. Beautiful just beautiful.

    1. T Freedman

      @Christian Ramos man oh man I bet I ball harder than U i can totally pitch to you harder than you can throw. okay meet me at the softball pitch and we can have a real match. look up cristiano ronaldo…thats me alright. im so jacked i could pop my skin open at this very moment. when youre wise enough U can join my fight club at bhs we meet in the basement. we actually throw some real fighting stuff but mostly we play streetfighter to train. its scientifically proven to make people swole ight.

    2. Christian Ramos

      @T Freedman Actually, the best way to get swole is playing Super Smash Bros for about 20 hours a day. Learn some actual facts before you try to challenge me you silly kid. Look up Suarez. Now see those teeth? Yah! That’s me! Recognize foo!

    3. T Freedman

      @Christian Ramos man those are the cold hard facts huh. I cant deny that.you cant deny i must be smarter than u cuz i do school. eyyyyyy. btw the muscles are tougher if you have played streetfighter cuz you make them tight

  3. vizcayado

    El lema es bien divertido: “barro eres y en piña te convertirás”.

  4. Octavio Castillo

    Por qué no pones el lugar esacto donde gravaste el video,
    Cómo dar con el lugar si alguien quiere adquirir algún producto.

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