Icheon Ceramics (ver.3)_Ceramic master

Icheon Ceramics (ver.1)

Icheon Ceramics (ver.2)

Music : "Piano"

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Icheon has a 1,000-year history of producing celadon porcelain. The city, which was named South Korea's first Special Ceramics Industry Zone in 2005 and a UNESCO City of Crafts and Folk Arts in 2010, boasts a large number of industrial-academic-research infrastructures, including the Korea Ceramics Art High School, the Korea Ceramics Foundation, the Korea Institute of Ceramics Engineering and Technology, and SK hynix

23 thoughts on “Icheon Ceramics (ver.3)_Ceramic master”

  1. Kawaii CatFox

    This guys should have been benefitted by wealth in terms of money and blessings.. No words can relate to their efforts and craftmanship.. Truly beautiful WORK of ART…

  2. ContainedFire

    These artists are national treasures…I hope they have a great number of apprentices to carry forward the tradition.

    1. 돈데크만

      In Korea, ceramics have been famous since the past. Goryeo celadon was famous during the Goryeo Dynasty. During the Joseon Dynasty, Joseon white porcelain was famous. During the Imjin War in 1592, Japan captured many pottery craftsmen during the war with Japan.

  3. Franz Sela

    I’d like to get hold of all those amazing ceramic artworks. Such painstaking work by these gifted masters!

  4. Kementiri

    I would love to apprentice under one of these great masters. Without someone learning the craft from them this tradition and craft will die out.

  5. Theo Kishna

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful videos, Great Masters! I always had great respect for masters who carry an ancient artistic tradition! Amazing beautiful yes lets hope there are students to carry this brilliant tradition just like my classical art of dance and music, almost vanished, details, details and more details but still the stillness of a brilliant imaginary that connects you with the Higher Energy name it what you want!

  6. Franz Sela

    I have this fascination for porcelain vases and I just couldn’t get enough of them. They are great works of art. The fusion of traditional and modern designs of the 21st century jars are just breathtaking and refreshing especially those from Korea and Japan. I have been collecting the reproductions of classic Chinese urns and I consider them treasures.


    Eres un genio, reciba toda mi admiración, esto es extraordinario, saludos

  8. Connie Tai


  9. Tanya Martin

    In a world full of large industry production and exact replicas made by molds and machines, we often forget the artistry and beauty of a one of a kind made by the human hand. This craftsmanship is stunning.

    1. 이천시청

      It is an amazing piece of pottery master of Icheon.

    2. devgowri

      Very true…I was telling my father the same….Once under kings and emperors Arts and Crafts flourished around the world …now we lost that tradition… especially in India, here we make every thing for just survival or sometimes an average artwork over monotonous pieces…

  10. Thelo Rincon

    Gracias por dejarnos un arte tan bello. Es muy hermoso. Gracias.

  11. Mari Concepcion Lopez

    Por Dios es increíble lo que hacen estos maestros. Felicitaciones no logró encontrar las palabras para expresar lo que vieron mis ojos.Gracias 🤗

  12. Walter Bezuidenhout

    this man humbles me, so much high quality workmanship. such beautiful work. I would love to be able to do this.

  13. John Jones

    Thank you so much for sharing the sheer beauty of these masters.

  14. Jade Queen168

    how peaceful and beautiful the energy of the creator and the production are together within one. Like the Master is expresses his love and passion with his own product,

  15. Aparicia Orrego Pizarro

    Desde Colombia, un saludo muy especial para estos verdaderos artistas.
    ¿Dónde se adquieren?

  16. Cheri McCullough

    These ceramics were so breathtakingly stunning and beautiful, it made me cry and made my heart flutter!

  17. Off2Geo

    I am loving this series. so much talent. so many beautiful works art and craftmanship.

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