Highlight on handmade african ceramics

Steps Involved in making a handmade african ceramics item.

Products are made out of clay from swamps and wetlands with Africa -Uganda.

The pieces are made by hand forming and machine (wheel)

We use WHITE clay for painting white and AUNT-Hill soil for obtaining red colour to decorate the pieces.

After painting we polish the pieces using small ocean stones to make them smooth.

The pieces are left for 5 days to dry and then they are loaded into the oven (kiln) for firing.

The (art pieces) are fired until 940 degrees for 12 hours.
After firing, they are offload when the oven (kiln) cools.

We mix liquid clay, fired clay and sand to cover our decorations on the pieces and then we make the open firing using wood shavings that let the smoke on the pieces to make them black. This process is called smoking. After then, they are washed and the covered parts and the uncovered parts get black smoke.

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