Ceramic Review: Masterclass with Lisa Hammond

From her studio in a disused London railway ticket office, Lisa Hammond shares the processes she follows to create her soda-fired carved pouring bowls. Discover more inside Ceramic Review issue 283, which features the full step-by-step masterclass. You can order back issues of the magazine from ceramicreview.com.

Film by Layton Thompson for Ceramic Review.

20 thoughts on “Ceramic Review: Masterclass with Lisa Hammond”

  1. HelenBeee

    Amazing selflessness and it shows in her work theres an openess to it…..love it

    1. irish-medi-weed-grower

      wow, just seen some for sale . prices dont indicate anything coming close to selflessness .

  2. Corinne Demonstoy

    i love these reviews, but dislike the music. it is too loud and not needed

  3. Mirjana Curanovic

    Thank you Lisa for everything you have done.

    1. edstud1

      @Terry Scott in all honesty it just seemed like self promotion to me. Masterclass should include some instruction, right? Maybe I missed it.

  4. John Stride

    I’ve admired her work but until not seen her in action so to speak. I’m impressed with the work she does and her attitude to pottery.

  5. meredithpottery

    Just so inspirational and unique. I love Lisa Hammond’s work and i have for many years. She just keeps on amazing me and I thank her.

  6. Erman Evcil

    I am surprised to hear that universities are closing down their ceramic departments, even in the UK…

  7. Create Love Happy

    One of my top 10 favorite potters in the world maybe even top 5 really. Love the focus on process.

  8. Hi I’m from india I want to learn with you can you please guide me how

  9. Juliana Sveinsdottir

    What a beautiful soul with an beautiful a expression

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