Ancient Greek Pottery: History, Development and Designs

Ancient Greek pottery was for practical use, so once physical shapes of different types of pottery had been perfected for a particular purpose, the shape was maintained and copied. Greek pottery was crafted in a bunch of different shapes and sizes, and all had specific functions and were used in specific circumstances from the symposium, which was an all-male drinking party, to domestic uses, storage, transportation, and rituals. Often, the intended usage of the pottery was made clear in the decoration.

Nothing can tell us more about the cultural beliefs, practices, and even daily life of the ancient Greeks than the surviving pottery. We have tens of thousands of pots and fragments surviving from Ancient Greece, and it’s just lucky for us that treasure hunters saw no value in Ancient Greek pottery, so it was often left alone when burials or tombs were robbed. Ancient Greek pottery has survived in many, many distinct forms, which all would have had specific functions in the daily life of Greece, and although these pieces of pottery may be sitting in glass boxes now, in their heyday, they would have been used regularly. Not only have decorations painted on the surviving pottery given modern-day scholars invaluable insight into cultural and religious beliefs and practices, but have been super helpful in determining a chronology for ancient Greece. So, what did the ancient Greeks use their pottery for, what were they decorated with, and who were the people who made them?

Flaroh Illustration
Check out our interview with artist Flora, who creates art inspired by the ancient world!



0:00​ Introduction
0:53 Introduction to Ancient Greek Pottery
2:06 Different Forms and Functions
7:19 Techniques and Designs
9:08 Proto-Geometric and Geometric Pottery
10:41 Black-Figure Pottery
11:35 Red-Figure Pottery
12:17 Potters and Painters
14:17 Outro

Ancient Greek Pottery
A Visual Glossary of Greek Pottery
Black-Figure Pottery
Red-Figure Pottery
Greek Vases: Names, Shapes and Functions
Making and Decorating Athenian Black and Red-Figure Vases
Pottery in Antiquity
Firing Athenian Black and Red-Figure Vases

Origin and History of the Ancient Olympic Games
Ancient Medicine, Healing and Physicians in Antiquity
The History of Philosophy: Origins of Ancient Philosophy Around the Globe
7 Surprising Stories from Herodotus' Histories

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The music used in this recording is the intellectual copyright of Michael Levy, a prolific composer for the recreated lyres of antiquity, and used with the creator's permission. Michael Levy's music is available to stream at all the major digital music platforms. Find out more on:


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The Metropolitan Museum of Art
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World History Encyclopedia

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27 thoughts on “Ancient Greek Pottery: History, Development and Designs”

  1. World History Encyclopedia

    Do you have a favourite type of ancient Greek vessel? Which design technique do you like the most?

    1. David & History for the Ages.

      I enjoy the artwork on the pottery that acts often as a type of primary source about Greek mythology.

  2. Antiochus IV Epiphanes

    Very informative video & great t-shirt! Greetings from Athens! 🙂

  3. JodintlZ

    I love them all but I don’t undestand why They painted them on pottery?

  4. David & History for the Ages.

    fun fact, few people know we get the word Ostracism, comes from Ostraca, a broken piece of clay potter. I actually made a short lecture about it.

  5. Mateus Santos

    I Just meet this Channel a few days, but i’m already in love! ❤️ Congratulations for you incredible work ❤️

  6. fordhouse8b

    Was it just my imagination, but didn’t all the pottery scenes depicting the all male parties you spoke of, also feature women?

    1. World History Encyclopedia

      Hi! It wasn’t your imagination, what you’re seeing are female pornē and hetaira – women who entertain at these all-male symposium.

    1. World History Encyclopedia

      Thanks for watching, glad to hear you loved it!

  7. Harper Welch

    The contrast of these beautiful classic designs and the clown like outfit of the narrator is disturbing. Odd mix.

    1. Lume Park

      How? How is this a clown like outfit? I think you need to take your negativity elsewhere.👋

  8. Wayne Rupp

    Great job! Y’all are doing wonderful work here. Thank you!

    1. World History Encyclopedia

      We are so glad you’re enjoying our content, thanks for watching!

  9. vickiereads

    Obsessed with the Ancient Greeks, LOVE these videos! And where did you get that shirt? I need it in three different colours!!

  10. Siddhartha Banerjee

    Ancient Greek pottery is absolutely fascinating.

  11. Connor McDonald

    Great video, it was super informative and the presenter was incredibly well-spoken. Not to mention, the scarf in her hair is super cute and I love her shirt. Keep up the great videos!

  12. Allan Gardiner

    Good luck with your channel. In Grade Five I found a children’s edition of The Odyssey illustrated in Greek vase style by Joan Kiddell-Monroe. My interest has never waned.

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