A Quick and Easy Way to Make a Plate – CAROLE EPP

This clip was excerpted from Carole Epp's Workshop From Home, which is available in its entirety on CLAYflicks!

View this and all of CAN's full-length videos on CLAYflicks!

9 thoughts on “A Quick and Easy Way to Make a Plate – CAROLE EPP”

  1. Amelia Bee

    Maybe it looks better once cleaned up, but I can’t help but think the finished product looks….well, juvenile and unprofessional. Like a child made it haphazardly. I’m not even sure they’ll be able to stack, either. Who wants to buy a wonky plate that can’t stack and looks like a first grader threw it? I want to learn to throw clay, but this just feels like arts and crafts time at kiddie corner.

    1. Janet Conover

      Actually, I find them easily stackable and my guests enjoy their simplicity.

  2. This is great, especially for learning how to use everyday materials rather than breaking the bank for fancy moulds; thanks Carole! <3

  3. Patricia Furr

    I also love the non-conformed shape of the plate. if you want perfect buy manufactured, pottery is supposed to be different. Love it.

  4. Helen Angus

    Thank you for sharing. Would love to see more of your work. Hello from Tasmania.

  5. Thinking you could put corn starch on top of the PAM, and then the clay wouldn’t stick.

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