This is an awesome project if you're just starting out, or if you have not yet tried making pinch pots. Neil is an excellent, thorough instructor, and he covers everything you need to reach success. This video is available in the Ceramic Arts Network Shop:

In my opinion, this method takes too much time for what you’re getting. I personally don’t find the resulting pieces appealing. Nice video though.
My wife and I both made a pinch pot after watching this vid. We enjoyed Mr. Patterson’s presentation and insight into hand forming clay.
Great lesson, Mr. Patterson! I would have love to have seen the finished glazed product!
Especially of that organic form!
tip for anyone else procrastinating on the homework:
Speed up the video
I hate to say this but there is so much missing from the video. Once he completes things any eight year old is capable of it would have been nice to see some real art projects he has done.
Damn why is this so boring
I watched your video and I get it now and you explained itwell