Meet the Artist: Patti Warashina

All rights reserved. ©2013 Museum of Glass
Visiting Artist Residency: Patti Warashina
Dates of the residency: March 13-17, 2013
All images courtesy of the artist. Directed by Derek Klein
Executive Director: Susan J. Warner
MOG Hot Shop Team: Benjamin Cobb, Gabe Feenan , Niko Dimitrijevic and Sarah Gilbert
MOG Hot Shop Interpretive Staff: Greg Owen, Walter Lieberman

The Visiting Artist Residency program is sponsored by Courtyard Marriott -Tacoma Downtown

During Patti Warashina's long and celebrated career, her ceramic figures and objects have blended realism with wit and satire. The body is almost always at the center of these narratives of the absurd, serving as a marker of the physical and psychological, of events both political and personal. Though her medium is ceramics, Patti brings an incredible artistic voice to the medium of glass.

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