Shozo Michikawa demonstration 2 manipulated square ceramic form

Shozo Michikawa, widely regarded as one of the modern masters of ceramics, gave a lecture at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, followed by a hands-on workshop day.

This video is one of a group that span demonstrations given over both days and I hope they will provide an introduction to his work.

(NB the sessions were recorded on a small, hand-held camera with limited battery life, so the film quality isn't great.)

7 thoughts on “Shozo Michikawa demonstration 2 manipulated square ceramic form”


    he’s not intimidated by clay is he. Powerful form that was a combination of organisation and chance

  2. Israęl Kerrin

    The beautiful piece of pure crap he just made, WITH HIS BARE HANDS GUYS! lol. Wtf

    1. Bernee Martin

      I’m sorry you can’t appreciate how amazing his work is. I guess his vessels, would fall under the category called, “A Potter’s Pot” – they do say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Also, in Japan, many people have a well-developed eye for this kind of ‘natural’ beauty. I love it both for how intriguing his working methods are and because they remind me of the ‘beauty’ of gnarled roots, ancient trees, weathered rocks, etc.

  3. Bernee Martin

    It must be amazing to be there and watch this master ceramicist create a masterpiece right before your eyes!

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