Finley Pots

See what happens when a potter throws new light into an ancient art form. Bill and Maggie Finley of Finley Pottery make luminaries – pots full of holes to display light patterns.

20 thoughts on “Finley Pots”

  1. Oh this is fantastic. I want to do this. It seems to flow with poetry from the soul. I love your vids, I just found you and you have been awesome. This video about the soul from the clay is something very special. We all learn something new daily.

  2. Hankins Homestead

    i really love this……my art teacher was lookin on youtube for some neat stuff…..and she came acrossed your work here….we have been trying it out…..i am right now covered in dry clay from tryin this out after school…..and i came acrossed your work and i just had to comment that i love it…..i made my bubble tonight out of mixed clay….red white and gray… looks nice…..but…i couldn’t get the top shut….i tryed twice today….i will soon get it….i love it very much…thanks

  3. emeralz1

    How do you get the candles in the ones that are sealed at top ?!?!
    Awesome work!!

  4. Jolly Roger's Hobbies

    My school teaches this in ceramics class. I didn’t know it was uncommon.

  5. Tim McLaughlin

    Very nice shapes which are beautiful whether they are cut or uncut, but I like the idea of light coming from earthen vessels, it is a spiritual creation.

  6. noxvet

    I’m going to a Bruce Metcalf lecture here in town on Thursday! From what I’ve heard about him, he’s a militant craftsman that believes craft should be taught entirely separately from art!

  7. Just a lil' gecko

    I thought that narrator was doing a parody in the first part of the video.

    But I have nothing but respect for the potter… Amazing work!

  8. hobbypotter

    This is a lovely video!!! I want to get to that point where I’m not concentrating on it like he said…I’ll keep practicing : )

  9. Vincent Grey

    those are beautiful works. I think I will incorporate the idea into my pinch pots… and thank you for putting beauty out there to be enjoyed.

  10. carmen ortiz

    buenos dias gracias por esta tecnica es preciosa profe me encanta yo soy artesana pero por no tener horno ni torno no he seguido estudie 4 años en escuela de artes pero estoy obsoleta me gustaria refrescar memorias ver tecnicas de pinturas gracias hise tecnica mayolica raku y quemas de fuego abiertos

  11. griffinlady

    This is beatiful work. I am wondering though if the piece at the end of him throwith about 1:30sec in was that bisque? if so is it an agate clay mixed with stains etc? It looks beautiful 🙂

  12. Hattie Ketchen

    i did this with one of my own pieces in class a few months ago!! this is so cool to see someone doing it as their hobby!

  13. Jim Greene

    I used to go to the lake when I was younger.  Its a beautiful area.

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