This is a short craftsmanship documentary by Many Makers about the Master Artisan Isabel Pajarito and ‘barro canelo’, which translates to cinnamon pottery. This technique is said to date back to pre-Hispanic times. What is particularly fascinating about this technique is that the pieces change their colour entirely during firing: when the pieces are placed into the kiln they are various blue-grey and yellow shades, and when they come out they are white, red and orange!
Esto es un cortometraje de Many Makers sobre el Maestro Artesano Isabel Pajarito y 'barro canelo'. Se dice que esta técnica data de tiempos prehispánicos. Lo que es particularmente fascinante de esta técnica es que las piezas cambian su color por completo durante la cocción: cuando las piezas se colocan en el horno, son de varios tonos azul grisáceo y amarillo ¡y cuando salen son blancas, rojas y anaranjadas!

I could watch him all day. What a brilliant craftsman.
Que belleza! Besos y abrazos de Tennessee EE.UU.