Medieval London Pottery

Jacqui Pearce, Senior Ceramic Specialist at MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology), discusses the development of MOLA's medieval London pottery type series. The excavation of a number of waterfront sites in London led to the discovery of pottery-rich medieval dumps located behind wooden river revetments. The revetment timbers were accurately dated through dendrochronology which enabled MOLA to create an incredibly detailed typology of pottery through the medieval period. Pottery is the most common material found on archaeological sites and this precise dating information has been hugely important, enabling us to date the layers of archaeology found on our sites.

7 thoughts on “Medieval London Pottery”

  1. Sarah Yardley

    Delighted to see a piece of mIll Green Ware from my area, I’ve been trying to find more out about Mill Green with little succes

  2. Rubsy Stringer

    Just made the video listed before filming the pots in the Museum of London if anyone can get any value from it you are welcome. Thank you for the video above and Jacqui Pearce for sharing.

  3. Micky Mantle

    I really don’t like the way this lady is dancing around these vessels !

    1. Lukas Kirchhoff

      She seems like she knows exactly what she’s doing. The way she handles these artifacts might seem a little rough at first, but she has years of experience and if she’d break something on a regular basis she would have been fired a long time ago.

  4. It seems like she hits each piece of pottery with her bracelets! Hopefully this is not causing any damage.

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