5 thoughts on “California Artist by Robert Arneson”

  1. Aliko Korchak

    Loved his Artwork exposed currently at MOMA in San Francisco !

  2. sonny corbi

    alina if you receive this post its now eleven months later that i am sending you a reply. I followed his work all through the 80s I met him once be accident in a gallery in Walnut Creek or mus. We had a nice chat! By accident again i was in Washington DC at the Hershon i just walked in and there was a retrospect of his work, many pieces. I mean i laughed out loud at some of his work! I have never met anyone who said they liked his work so it’s a treat to see your post. Are you and artist?

  3. sonny corbi

    Alina This is a continuation of the comment below. Are you an Artist I am a painter. Do you sculpt or paint? I wish there was a full documentary on him! All I can see here on the tub is short clips pm him and his work. If you know of any documentary’s on him please let me know.

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