The Master Potter of Santorini, Greece

– "Growing up, even my toys were ceramics." ~ Fifth-generation pottery maker Andreas Makaris is making one of his amazing ceramics as he is telling us his life story on Santorini. #HumansOfGreekIslands. Full story:

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9 thoughts on “The Master Potter of Santorini, Greece”

  1. Θέλουμε ρεπορτάζ ολόκληρο για τον κύριο Ανδρέα. Πολύ ενδιαφέρον. 💯🤝🤜🤛💪👍🙏

  2. Ifigenia Georgiadou

    εξαιρετικός Δάσκαλος και εξαιρετικός Άνθρωπος! ελάτε να τον γνωρίσετε!

  3. Jennifer S


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