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Patti Warashina – The Sitka Center for Art and Ecology

Hear from artist Patti Warashina as she discusses her time at Sitka Center and comments on her Jordan Schnitzer Printmaking Residency 20th Anniversary Folio experience.

Sitka Center celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Jordan Schnitzer Printmaking Residency by inviting 9 artists from the annals of the residency to return to the Sitka Center and create a special celebratory folio of work.

This residency was established in 2002 to provide working artists with little or no printmaking experience the opportunity to explore a new creative medium with guidance, instruction and technical assistance from a professional etching printer.

This special 20th Anniversary Folio features artists: Baba Wagué Diakité, Linda Hutchins, Dana Lynn Louis, Ryan Pierce, Heather Watkins, Marie Watt, Sabina Haque, Patti Warashina, Larry Thomas and Master Printer, Julia D’Amario, created the 10th print in the folio.

This folio of prints was displayed at Waterstone Gallery in Portland, Oregon in February of 2021 and now is on display at the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology main campus office.

Learn more about Sitka Center and its programs here on our website:

Learn more about Jordan Schnitzer and the Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation here on their website:

This video was produced by Colin Stapp at Colin Stapp Photography and Video. Learn more at this website:

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