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Montana Connections: Rudy Autio

The first video in a series of artist portraits inspired by the Missoula Art Museum Collections in MIssoula, Montana. Rudy Autio is best known for figurative ceramic vessels. He contributed generously and significantly to the world of ceramics. Curator Peter Held interviewed him at his home in 2007. The video was created after Rudy's death incorporating photos, footage of Rudy by his son, Chris Autio, and interview audio provided by MAM through Peter Held.

Many thanks to Rudy's wife, Lela, and family, MAM staff members Jenn Reifsneider and Renee Taffe, Peter Held, artist, educator and musician Beth Lo, the Archie Bray Foundation, Dexter Payne, John McFarland and the Big Sky Mudflaps.

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