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Gallery Talk: Steuart Pittman on Ron Nagle

Oakland-based artist Steuart Pittman addresses recurring themes of humor, music, craftsmanship, and beauty in Ron Nagle’s work, as well as Nagle’s role as a teacher.

Pittman is the recipient of the Peter S. Reed Foundation Award in Painting as well as nominations for the SFMOMA SECA Award and TOSA Studio Award. He was also honored with a Jay DeFeo MFA award from Mills College, where he received his Master of Fine Arts degree in 2009. His paintings are held in museums and collections nationally. In addition to his painting practice, Pittman has performed and lectured extensively in the Bay Area at institutions such as SFMOMA, di Rosa, the Mills College Art Museum, Headlands Center for the Arts, Southern Exposure, and BAMPFA.

More about the exhibition:

Exhibitions at BAMPFA:

Steuart PIttman portrait photo credit: Amanda Hakan

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